Indwelling Foley Catheter/Silicone Foley Catheter/Foley Catheter
Foley Catheter is Made from natural latex. Silicone coated One-way: Red, 6 Fr-26 Fr. Available with the option of plastic valve or rubber valve. Color-coded for visualization of size. Packed sterile. For single use only.
Two-way: 8 Fr-26 Fr
Three-way: 16 Fr-26Fr
2-way Pediatric
2-way Standard
2-way Female
2-way Thiemann
3-way Standard
3-way Double Balloons
4-way Double Balloons Type A
4-way Double Balloons Type B
Indwelling Foley Catheter/Silicone Foley Catheter/Foley Catheter
Product |
Balloon volume for option |
Color code |
Two way for Children |
6Fr 3ml / 3-5ml |
Pink |
8Fr 3-5ml |
Black |
10Fr 3-5ml/5ml |
Grey |
Two way for male |
12Fr 5ml / 10ml / 5-10ml / 5-15ml |
White |
14Fr 5ml / 10ml / 5-10ml / 5-15ml |
Green |
16Fr 5-10ml / 5-15ml / 30ml / 30-50ml |
Orange |
18Fr 5-10ml / 5-15ml /30ml / 30-50ml |
Red |
20Fr 5-15ml / 30ml / 30-50ml |
Yellow |
22Fr 5-15ml /30ml / 30-50ml |
Purple |
24Fr 30ml / 30-50ml |
Blue |
26Fr 30ml / 30-50ml |
Pink |