Pregnancy Test Kit/Pregnancy Test Strips/Pregnancy Midsream
are the one step HCG test is a rapid test to detect the presence of HCG in urine or serum specimens in a qualitative format sensitive to 15mIU HCG/ml
The test utilizes a combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibody reagents to selectively detect elevated level of HCG in urine or serum, the immunological specificity of the test virtually eliminates cross reactivity interferences from the structurally related glycoprotein hormones hFSH, hLh, hTSH at physiological levels.
Specimen:Urine, serum/urine
Format:Strip, cassette, midstream
One kit includes 1 test (with desiccant) in a foil pouch
Pregnancy Test Kit/Pregnancy Test Strips/Pregnancy Midsream