FOB Test Kit/ Fecal Occult Blood Test/FOB Test
FOB TEST KIT FOB TEST TUMOR MARKER FECAL OCCULT BLOOD TEST blood loss in the gastrointestinal tract, anywhere from the mouth to the colon. Positive tests ("positive stool") warrant further investigation for peptic ulcers or a malignancy (such as colorectal cancer or gastric cancer).
In the event of a positive faecal occult blood test, the next step in the workup is a form of visualization of the gastrointestinal tract by one of several means:
Sigmoidoscopy, an examination of the rectum and lower colon with a lighted instrument to look for abnormalities, such as polyps.
Colonoscopy, a more thorough examination of the rectum and entire colon.
Virtual colonoscopy
Double contrast barium enema: A series of X-rays of the colon and rectum.
Annual testing of a population may reduce the mortality associated with colon cancer by a third, depending on the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer in that population. It is not always cost effective to screen a large population.
If colon cancer is suspected in an individual (such as in someone with an unexplained anaemia) faecal occult blood tests are typically not warranted. If a doctor suspects colon cancer, more rigorous investigation is necessary, whether or not the test is positive.
FOB Test Kit/ Fecal Occult Blood Test/FOB Test